[112] Ahmed, B. (2025). Politics of Denial and Non-Recognition of Genocide. In-person Oral Panel Organised at the 17th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS), 20-24 October 2025, Johannesburg, South Africa.
[111] Ahmed, B. (2025). Hydrocide: A Conceptual Framework for Transboundary Water Crisis Management. Presented at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2025, EGU25-569, 27 April-02 May 2025, Vienna, Austria.
[110] Ahmed, B. (2025). Hydrocide as a Global Challenge in Water Governance. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Himalayan River Systems: Transboundary Approaches to Land and Water Governance in South Asia, 16-17 April 2025, Kathmandu University, Nepal.
[109] Farzana, K.F.; Sammonds, P.; Ahmed, B. (2024). Sounding Resilience and Resistance: Tarana Songs of Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia. In Lorea, Carola E., and Rosalind I.J. Hackett (eds): Religious Sounds Beyond the Global North: Senses, Media and Power; pp 183–198. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
[108] Martuscelli, P.N.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P. (2024). ‘Resettlement is worthwhile for our children’s future’: reflections from the Stateless Rohingya refugees in Malaysia. Comparative Migration Studies, 12, 46.
[107] Salam, R.; Pla, F.; Ahmed, B.; Painho, M. (2024). A Convolutional Neural Network-based approach for automatically detecting rainfall-induced shallow landslides in a data-sparse context. Natural Hazards Research.
[106] Zhou, C.; Wang, Y.; Cao, Y.; Singh, R.P.; Ahmed, B.; Motagh, M.; Wang, Y.; Chen, L.; Tan, G.; Li. S. (2024). Enhancing landslide susceptibility modelling through a novel non-landslide sampling method and ensemble learning technique. Geocarto International, 39(1), 2327463.
[105] Ahmed, B., and Haq, M.I. (2024). Mapping Climatic Disasters and Internal Migration Patterns in Bangladesh: An Integrated Analysis of Economic, Environmental, and Climatic Drivers. Presented at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024, 29 August 2024.
[104] Domenech, C., Cantoni-Gómez, È., Ward, P., van Maanen, N., Terzi, S., Ciurean, R., Pescaroli, G., Manzella, I., Torresan, S., and Vitolo, C. and the EO4MULTIHAZARDS Team. (2024). Role of Earth Observation in multi-(hazard-)risk assessment and management. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3392.
[103] Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Samm-A, A.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P. (2023). Refugees’ Perception of Landslide Disasters: Insights from the Rohingya Camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. In: Alcántara-Ayala et al. (Eds). Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 431–439, Springer, Switzerland.
[102] Tagliacozzo, S.; Ayeb-Karlsson, S.; Ahmed, B. (2024). An integrated governance framework to map out and act on the interrelationships between human mobility and disaster risk. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(5), 1277–1298.
[101] Alam, A.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.; Kamal, A.S.M.M. (2023). Applying rainfall threshold estimates and frequency ratio model for landslide hazard assessment in the coastal mountain setting of South Asia. Natural Hazards Research, 3(3), 531-545.
[100] Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Hossain, F.; Ahmed, B.; Rahman, M.Z.; Sammonds, P. (2023). Assessing the effectiveness of landslide slope stability by analysing structural mitigation measures and community risk perception. Natural Hazards, 117, 2393–2418.
[99] Ahmed, B.; Alam, S.M.R.A.; Ahmed, I.; Sammonds, P. (2023). The Anthropogenic Aggravation of Landslide Disasters in Bangladesh: Key Informants’ Perspectives. In: Alcántara-Ayala et al. (Eds). Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp 385–401, Springer, Switzerland.
[98] Flores-Palacios, X.; Ahmed, B.; Barbera, C. (2023). Micro-narratives on People’s Perception of Climate Change and Its Impact on Their Livelihood and Migration: Voices from the Indigenous Aymara People in the Bolivian Andes. In: Hamza, M., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Malalgoda, C., Jayakody, C., Senanayake, A. (eds) Rebuilding Communities After Displacement, pp 29–57, Springer, Switzerland.
[97] Jalal, R.; Mahamud, R.; Arif, M.T.A.; Ritu, S.; Kumar, M.F.; Ahmed, B.; Kabir, M.H.; et al. (2023). Restoring degraded landscapes through an integrated approach using geospatial technologies in the context of the humanitarian crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Land, 12(2), 352.
[96] Ahmed, B.; Alam, S.M.R.A.; Ahmed, I.; Sammonds, P. (2022). Landslide disasters in Bangladesh: Narratives from key informants. Presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting 2023 in Denver, USA, from 23-27 March 2023.
[95] Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Ahmed, B.; Tasnim, S.; Sammonds, P. (2022). Assessing rainfall-induced landslide risk in a humanitarian context: The Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Natural Hazards Research, 2(3), 230-248.
[94] Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Hossain, F.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P. (2022). Analyzing the 27 July 2021 rainfall-induced catastrophic landslide event in the Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 9, 17.
[93] Martuscelli, P.N.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P. (2024). Defying Genocide in Myanmar: Everyday Resistance Narratives of Rohingyas. Journal of Genocide Research, 26(1), 25-47.
[92] Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Hossain, F.; Rahman, M.Z.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P. (2022). Geological and soil engineering properties of shallow landslides occurring in the Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Landslides, 19, 465-478.
[91] Islam, M.T.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.; Chakma, A.; Patwary, O.H., Durrat, F.; Alam, M.S. (2022). The 2017 Rohingya Influx into Bangladesh and Its Implications for the Host Communities. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, 10(2), 487-512.
[90] Rahman S.; Huq F.F.; Ahmed B.; Rahman M.S.; Al-Hussaini T.M. (2022). Assessing Social Vulnerability to Landslide Disasters in Chittagong City, Bangladesh. In: Sarkar R., Shaw R., Pradhan B. (eds) Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover, and Socio-economic Dynamics on Landslides; pp. 301-318. Disaster Risk Reduction (Methods, Approaches and Practices). Springer, Singapore.
[89] Ahmed, B.; Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Hossain, F.; Sammonds, P.R. (2022). Analysing the geomorphological and geological characteristics of fatal-landslide events in the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2022 in Chicago, Illinois, from 12-16 December 2022.
[88] Ahmed, B. (2021). The root causes of landslide vulnerability in Bangladesh. Landslides, 8(5), 1707-1720.
[87] Sammonds, P.; Shamsudduha, M.; Ahmed, B. (2021). Climate change driven disaster risks in Bangladesh and its journey towards resilience. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s8), 55-77.
[86] Hossain, A.; Ahmed, B.; Rahman, T.; Sammonds, P.; Zaman, S.; Benzadid, S.; Jakariya, M. (2021). Household food insecurity, income loss, and symptoms of psychological distress among adults following the Cyclone Amphan in coastal Bangladesh. PLoS ONE, 16(11): e0259098.
[85] Ahmed, B.; Islam, M.T.; Sammonds, P.; Alam, S.M.R.A.; Alam, M.S.; Chakma, A.; Durrat, F.; Patwary, O.H. (2021). Sustainable Rohingya Repatriation in Myanmar: Some Criteria to Follow. In Uddin, N. (ed.) The Rohingya Crisis: Human Rights Issues, Policy Concerns and Burden Sharing. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 301-333.
[84] Ahmed, B. (2021). Climate migrants in Bangladesh: A journey towards uncertainty. Presented at the 2020 Global Shifts Colloquium: Seeking Refuge in the Climate Emergency, Perry World House, the University of Pennsylvania, the USA on 14 September 2020.
[83] Ahmed, N.; Rahman, R.M.; Adnan, M.S.G.; Ahmed, B. (2021). Dense prediction of label noise for learning building extraction from aerial drone imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(23), 8906-8929.
[82] Hoque, M.A.; Pradhan, B.; Ahmed, N.; Ahmed, B.; Alamri, A.M. (2021). Cyclone vulnerability assessment of the western coast of Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12(1), 198-221.
[81] Salam, R.; Ghose, B.; Shill, B.K.; Islam, M.A.; Islam, A.R.M.T.; Sattar, M.A.; Alam, G.M.M.; Ahmed, B. (2021). Perceived and actual risks of drought: household and expert views from the lower Teesta River Basin of northern Bangladesh. Natural Hazards, 108, 2569-2587.
[80] Tasnim, S.; Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.R. (2021). Evaluating Rainfall-induced Landslide Risk of the Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 in New Orleans, LA, from 13-17 December 2021.
[79] Hossain, F.; Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.R. (2021). Geo-engineering properties of shallow landslides occurred due to large scale anthropogenic interventions: a case study of the humanitarian crisis-affected Rohingya Refugee camps in Bangladesh. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 in New Orleans, LA, from 13-17 December 2021.
[78] Faridatul, M.I.; Ahmed, B. (2020). Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability to Drought in a Heterogeneous Environment: A Remote Sensing-Based Approach. Remote Sensing, 12, 3363.
[77] Adnan, M.S.G.; Rahman, M.S.; Ahmed, N.; Ahmed, B.; Rabbi, M.F.; Rahman, R.M. (2020). Improving Spatial Agreement in Machine Learning-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping. Remote Sensing, 12, 3347.
[76] Zhou, C.; Cao, Y.; Yin, K.; Wang, Y.; Shi, X.; Catani, F.; Ahmed, B. (2020). Landslide Characterization Applying Sentinel-1 Images and InSAR Technique: The Muyubao Landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Remote Sensing, 12, 3385.
[75] Alam, A.; Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P. (2021). Flash flood susceptibility assessment using the parameters of drainage basin morphometry in SE Bangladesh. Quaternary International, ,
[74] Zaman, S.; Sammonds, P.; Ahmed, B.; Rahman, T. (2020). Disaster risk reduction in conflict contexts: Lessons learned from the lived experiences of Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, 101694.
[73] Ahmed, B.; Rahman, M. S.; Sammonds, P.; Islam, R.; Uddin, K. (2020). Application of geospatial technologies in developing a dynamic landslide early warning system in a humanitarian context: the Rohingya refugee crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 11(1), 446-468.
[72] Cao, Y.; Yin, K.; Zhou, C.; Ahmed, B. (2020). Establishment of Landslide Groundwater Level Prediction Model Based on GA-SVM and Influencing Factor Analysis. Sensors, 20(3), 845.
[71] Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.; Islam, M. T.; Alam, M. S.; Chakma, A.; Durrat, F.; Patwary, O. H. (2020). Criteria for a Successful Rohingya Repatriation in Myanmar following the 2017 Exodus in Bangladesh. [Abstract ID: HS/0369]. Presented at the “Third Canadian International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences 2020 (HUSO2020)” held at the Chestnut Residence & Conference Centre, University of Toronto, Canada, from 13-14 July 2020.
[70] Farzana, K.F.; Sammonds, P.; Ahmed, B. (2020). Refuge to Religious Sounds: Religious Songs and Identity Politics of Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia. Presented at the “Sounds, Bodies and Power: Politics and Poetics of Religious Sounds“ conference held at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, from 27-28 February 2020.
[69] Ahmed, B.; Rahman, M. S.; Sammonds, P.; Islam, R.; Uddin, K. (2020). Developing a Landslide Early Warning System in a Humanitarian Context: the Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. [Sub-theme: Social Systems for Risk Governance (Paper ID: ICDR-O-F002)]. Presented at the “International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences & Technology for Sustainable Development, ICEEST 2020“, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 25-30 January 2020.
[68] Ahmed, B.; Kelman, I.; Raja, D. R.; Islam, M. R.; Das, S.; Shamsudduha, M.; Fordham, M. (2019). Livelihood Impacts of Flash Floods in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 37(3), 306-326.
[67] Alam, A.; Sammonds, P.; Ahmed, B. (2019). Cyclone risk assessment of the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in southeast Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment, 704: 135360.
[66] Ahmed, B. (eds.) (2019). International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective: Book of Abstracts. Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR), University College London (UCL), UK.
[65] Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.; Islam, M.T.; Durrat, F.; Chakma, A.; Patwary, O.H.; Alam, M.S. (2019). The Rohingya Exodus 2017: Issues and Implications for Stability, Security and Peace in South Asia. Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London (UCL), UK.
[64] Chian S. C., Wilkinson S. M., Whittle J. K., Mulyani R., Alarcon J. E., Pomonis A., Saito K., Fraser S., Goda K., Macabuag J., Offord M., Hunt-Raby A. C., Sammonds P., Franco G., Stone H., Ahmed, B.; Hughes F. E., Jirouskova N. K., Kaminski S., Lopez J. (2019). Lessons Learnt From the 2009 Padang Indonesia, 2011 Tōhoku Japan and 2016 Muisne Ecuador Earthquakes. Frontiers in Built Environment, 5: 73.
[63] Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.; Saville, N.M.; Le Masson, V.; Suri, K.; Bhat, G.M.; Hakhoo, N.; Jolden, T.; Hussain, G.; Wangmo, K.; Thusu, B. (2019). Indigenous Mountain People’s Risk Perception to Environmental Hazards in Border Conflict Areas. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 35: 101063.
[62] Ahmed, B.; Kelman, I.; Kamruzzaman, M.; Mohiuddin, H.; Rahman, M.M.; Das, A.; Fordham, M.; Shamsudduha, M. (2019). Indigenous People’s Responses to Drought in Northwest Bangladesh. Environmental Development, 29, 55-66.
[61] Ahmed, B.; Sammonds, P.; Zaman, S.; and Rahman, T. (2019). Disaster Risk Perception of the Rohingya Refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Presented at the DwD-GCRF-UKADR-DRG-UKCDR International Conference 2019 (New points of departure in transitioning disaster reduction and sustainability challenges) at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK on 17th July 2019.
[60] Ahmed, B.; Rahman, M.S.; Islam, R.; Sammonds, P.; Zhou, C.; Uddin, K.; Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2018). Developing a Dynamic Web-GIS Based Landslide Early Warning System for the Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(12): 485.
[59] Abubakar, I. et al. (2018). The UCL–Lancet Commission on Migration and Health: the health of a world on the move. The Lancet, 392, 10164, 2606-2654.
[58] Ahmed, B.; Orcutt, M.; Sammonds, P.; Burns, R.; Issa, R.; Abubakar, I.; Devakumar, D. (2018). Humanitarian disaster for Rohingya refugees: impending natural hazards and worsening public health crises. The Lancet Global Health, 6(5), e487-e488.
[57] Franco, G.; Stone, H.; Ahmed, B.; Chang, S.C.; Hughes, F.; Jirouskova, N.; Kaminski, S.; Lopez, J.; van Drunen, N.; Hutt, C.M.; Querembás, M. (2018). EEFIT Mission Report: The Muisne, Ecuador Earthquake of 16 April 2016. A Field Report by the Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT). The Institution of Structural Engineers, London, UK.
[56] Ahmed, B. (2018). Vulnerability and Resilience to Socio-Natural Hazards: Applying Community-based Participatory Techniques. In B. Mallick, B. Berger & K. Kim (Eds.), Building Resilient Communities: Land Use Change, Rural Development and Adaptation to Climate Consequences (pp. 59-108). North Carolina, United States: Lulu Publishing Services.
[55] Kamal, A.S.M.M.; Shamsudduha, M.; Ahmed, B.; Hassan, S.M.K.; Islam, M.S.; Kelman, I.; Fordham, M. (2018). Resilience to flash floods in wetland communities of northeastern Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31, 478-488.
[54] Kelman, I.; Ahmed, B.; Esraz-Ul-Zannat, M.; Saroar, M.M.; Fordham, M.; Shamsudduha, M. (2018). Warning Systems as Social Processes for Bangladesh Cyclones. Disaster Prevention and Management, 27(4), 370-379.
[53] Ahmed, B.; Kelman, I. (2018). Measuring Community Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards: A Method for Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Data. Natural Hazards Review, 19(3): 04018008.
[52] Ahmed, B. (2018). Who takes responsibility for the climate refugees? International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 10(1), 5-26.
[51] Zhou, C.; Yin, K.; Cao, Y.; Intrieri, E.; Ahmed, B.; Catani, F. (2018). Displacement prediction of step-like landslide by applying a novel kernel extreme learning machine method. Landslides, 15(11), 2211-2225.
[50] Zhou, C.; Yin, K.; Ahmed, B.; Fu, X. (2018). A novel method for landslide displacement prediction by integrating advanced computational intelligence algorithms. Nature Scientific Reports, 8: 7287.
[49] Zhou, C., Yin, K., Cao, Y., Ahmed, B., Li, Y., Catani, F., Pourghasemi, H.R. (2018). Landslide susceptibility modeling applying machine learning methods: A case study from Longju in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Computers and Geosciences, 112, 23-37.
[48] Ahmed, B., Sammonds, P.R., Rahman, M.S., Islam, R. (2018). Developing a Landslide Early Warning System for Chittagong City, Bangladesh. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington D.C. from 10-14 December 2018.
[47] Sammonds, P.R., Ahmed, B., Rahman, M.S., Islam, R. (2018). Developing a Landslide Early Warning System for the Rohingya Refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington D.C. from 10-14 December 2018.
[46] Chowdhury, P., Ahmed, B., Alam, B.M. (2018). Landscapes of Fear: A Traffic Accident Severity Analysis of Dhaka Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Presented at the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting from April 10-14, 2018, in New Orleans, USA.
[45] Rahman, M.S.; Ahmed, B.; Di, L. (2017). Landslide initiation and runout susceptibility modeling in the context of hill cutting and rapid urbanization: a combined approach of weights of evidence and spatial multi-criteria. Journal of Mountain Science, 14(10), 1919-1937.
[44] Ahmed, B. (2017). Community Vulnerability to Landslides in Bangladesh. PhD Thesis. University College London (UCL), United Kingdom.
[43] Ahmed, B.; Dewan, A. (2017). Application of Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Techniques in Landslide Susceptibility Modeling in Chittagong City Corporation, Bangladesh. Remote Sensing, 9(4): 304.
[42] Mallick, B.; Ahmed, B.; Vogt, J. (2017). Living with the Risks of Cyclone Disasters in the South-Western Coastal Region of Bangladesh. Environments, 4(1): 13.
[41] Franco, G.; Stone, H.; Ahmed, B.; Chian, S.C.; Hughes, F.; Jirouskova, N.; Kaminski, S.; Lopez, J.; van Drunen, N.G.; Querembás, M. (2017). The April 16 2016 Mw7.8 Muisne Earthquake in Ecuador – Preliminary Observations from the EEFIT Reconnaissance Mission of May 24 – June 7. Paper N° 4982, Registration Code: S-K1465816987. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017 Santiago Chile, 9-13 January 2017.
[40] Chowdhury, P.A.; Alam, B.M.; Ahmed, B. (2017). Analyzing Spatial Distribution of the Accident Locations – A Case Study of Mirpur Corridor, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the East Lakes Division of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) hosted by the Department of Geography & Geology at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) in Ypsilanti, Michigan, the USA, from October 12-14th, 2017.
[39] Fordham, M.; Ahmed, B.; Kamruzzaman, M.; Mohiuddin, H.; Rahman, M.M.; Das, A.; Shamsudduha, M.; Kelman, I. (2017). Precarious Resilience: Gendered Lessons from Drought in North West Bangladesh. Gender Policy Brief, Gender and Disaster Network.
[38] Rahman, M.S.; Ahmed, B.; Huq, F.F.; Rahman, S.; Al-Hussaini, T.M. (2016). Landslide Inventory in an Urban Setting in the Context of Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Paper Id: 36 (pp. 170-178), 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2016 (ICACE 2016), 21-23 December 2016, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh. [PDF]
[37] Lanning, F.; Haro, A.G.; Liu, M.K.; Monzón, A.; Monzón-Despang, H.; Schultz, A.; Tola, A.; Diaz-Fanas, G.; Antonaki, N.; Nikolaou,S.; Vera-Grunauer, X.; Gilsanz, R.; Diaz, V.; Franco, G.; Stone, H.; Ahmed, B.; Chian, S.C.; Hughes, F.; Jirouskova, N.; Kaminski, S.; Lopez, J. (2016). EERI Earthquake Reconnaissance Team Report: M7.8 Muisne, Ecuador Earthquake on April 16, 2016. The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI): Oakland, California, USA. [Final Report]
[36] Ahmed, B.; Kelman, I.; Fehr, H.K.; Saha, M. (2016). Community Resilience to Cyclone Disasters in Coastal Bangladesh. Sustainability, 8(8): 805.
[35] Zhou, C.; Yin, K.; Cao, Y.; Ahmed, B. (2016). Application of Time Series Analysis and PSO–SVM Model in Predicting the Bazimen Landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Engineering Geology, 204, 108-120.
[34] Ahmed, B.; Forte, R. (2016). Landslide Risk Zoning Applying Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map Neural Network Technique. Paper presented at the 1st Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC) held at the Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka 1342, Bangladesh; 5-6 February 2016. [PDF]
[33] Ahmed, B.; Rahman, MS. (2016). From Landslide Hazard Assessment to Early Warning System: A Case Study of Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Presented at the 2nd Annual Gobeshona Conference 2016, Independent University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[30] Ahmed, B. (2015). Landslide Susceptibility Modelling Applying User-Defined Weighting and Data-Driven Statistical Techniques in Cox’s Bazar Municipality, Bangladesh. Natural Hazards, 79(3), 1707-1737.
[32] Rahman, M.A., Billah, M.M., Rahman, M.S., Ahmed, B., Himal, R.J. (2015). Disaster Management and City Resilience. In A. Mahmud & M. Jahangir (Eds.), Dhaka for Future Generations: Our Action (1st ed., pp. 179-190). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) and Centre for Development Communication (CDC) [In Bengali]. [PDF]
[31] Ahmed, B.; Murillo, C.A.O. (2015). Early Warning System Report. BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Final Report]
[29] Ahmed, B. (2015). Land Cover Modeling Report. BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Final Report]
[28] Ahmed, B. (2015). Rainfall Pattern Modeling Report. BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Final Report]
[27] Ahmed, B. (2015). Landslide Susceptibility Modelling Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study of Cox’s Bazar Municipality, Bangladesh. Poster presented at the 2015 Unidata Users Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, USA. [Poster PDF]
[26] Ahmed, B. (2015).Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Multi-Criteria Evaluation Techniques in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Landslides, 12(6), 1077-1095.
[25] Ahmed, B.; Hasan, R.; Maniruzzaman, K.M. (2014). Urban Morphological Change Analysis of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Space Syntax. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 3(4), 1412-1444.
[24] Ahmed, B., Rahman, M.S., Rahman, S., Huq, F.F. (2014). Social Survey Report. BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Final Report]
[23] Ahmed, B., Rahman, M.S., Rahman, S., Huq, F.F., Ara, S. (2014). Landslide Inventory Report. BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Final Report]
[22] Ishtiaque, A., Ahmed, B., Hainin, M.R. (2014). Road Traffic Accident Characteristics in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 71(3), 75-82. [PDF]
[21] Ahmed, B., Rahman, M.S. (2014). Trend of Urbanization in Dhaka City and its Impact on Urban Heat Island Effect (In Bengali). Published in the ‘Souvenir of World Town Planning Day 2014’; Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP), Dhaka, Bangladesh. [PDF] [Original Version]
[20] Ahmed, B. (2014). Landslide Hazard Mapping in Chittagong Metropolitan Area Implementing the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Published in the ‘Souvenir of CUET URP DAY 2014‘, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh; 32-37pp.
[19] Ahmed, B., Kamruzzaman, M., Zhu, X., Rahman, M., Choi, K. (2013). Simulating Land Cover Changes and their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Remote Sensing, 5(11), 5969-5998.
[18] Ahmed, B., Rubel, Y.A. (2013). Understanding the Issues Involved in Urban Landslide Vulnerability in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Association of American Geographers (AAG). Washington, DC, USA. [Final Report]
[17] Ahmed, B., Ahmed, R., Zhu, X. (2013). Evaluation of Model Validation Techniques in Land Cover Dynamics. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2(3), 577-597.
[16] Ahmed, B. (2013). Contemporary Issues and Priorities in Addressing the Road Safety Problems of Dhaka Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, 6, 103-118. [PDF]
[15] Kamruzzaman, M., Haque, M.M., Ahmed, B., Yasmin, T. (2013). Analysis of Traffic Injury Severity in a Mega City of a Developing Country. Paper presented at the 4th Road Safety International Conference held in Sydney, Australia, from 4-5 March 2013. [Article] [Presentation]
[14] Ishtiaque, A., Ahmed, B. (2013). Urban Road Accidents in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents held in Beijing, China, from 15-17 May 2013. [Final Program]
[13] Ishtiaque, A., Ahmed, B., Hainin, M.R. (2013). High-Risk Road Accident Corridors in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 65(3), 61-65. [PDF]
[12] Ahmed, B. (2013). Remote Sensing for Urban Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection Analysis. Geospatial World Weekly, Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt Ltd. 9(4). [Original Article]
[11] Ahmed, B., Ahmed, R. (2012). Modeling Urban Land Cover Growth Dynamics Using Multi‑Temporal Satellite Images: A Case Study of Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 1(1), 3-31.
[10] Ahmed, B. (2012). Traffic Accident Study in Dhaka City (2007-2011). Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Dhaka South City Corporation, Nagar Bhaban, Fulbaria, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Final Report]
[9] Ahmed, B. (2012). The traditional four steps transportation modeling using a simplified transport network: A case study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Engineering and Technological Research, 1(1), 19-40. [Original Report]
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