- Hydrocide as a Global Challenge in Water Governance, presented at the International Symposium on Himalayan River Systems: Transboundary Approaches to Land and Water Governance in South Asia, 16-17 April 2025, Kathmandu University, Nepal. [Invitation]
- “The Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Navigating an Uncertain Future” presented at the International Seminar on The Rohingyas in Bangladesh: In Search of a Sustainable Future; Organised by the Department of International Relations and the Centre for Genocide Studies, University of Dhaka at the Multipurpose Hall, Foreign Service Academy (FSA), Bangladesh on 03 February 2025. [Brochure]
- “Leveraging Geospatial Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangladesh” presented at the Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research (GESTAR) II Seminar Series, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Earth Science Division, Maryland, USA on 20 June 2024. [PDF]
- Panelist at the 2023 Durban Forum Deep Dive: PCCB Follow-up webinar to the 12th Durban Forum on capacity-building, titled – “Synergy and alignment between disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in national adaptation plans (NAPs)” organised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 07 November 2023. [PDF] [Report]
- “Application of geospatial technologies in developing landslide forecasting systems in a humanitarian context” was presented (virtually) at the Green Construction Research & Training Center (GCRTC), the University of British Columbia, Canada on 25 October 2023.
- “Debunking the Myths about Climate Migration” was presented at the International School on Climate Migration, organised by SOAS University of London, on 10 July 2023. [PDF]
- “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of Bangladesh and Future Challenges” was presented at the Durham University Business School‘s Signature Event for Durham University Global Week at Durham University, England, on 8 March 2023. [PDF1] [PDF2]
- “Challenges and opportunities of developing operational forecasting systems for rainfall-induced landslides in Bangladesh” was presented at a seminar organised by the Centre for Advanced Research in Sciences at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 22 January 2023. [PDF]
- “Challenges and opportunities of developing landslide forecasting systems in Bangladesh” was presented at a seminar organised by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh, on 05 January 2023.
- “Research and Collaboration Opportunities at UCL” was presented at Fareast International University, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 13 September 2022. [PDF]
- “Research and Networking Opportunities” was presented in the Department of Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh, on 07 September 2022. [PDF]
- “Climate change and human mobility” was presented (virtual) at the Harvard College Writing Program, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA, on 26 July 2022.
- “Introduction to Research and Background Preparation” presented at training on scientific writing organised by Global Health Institute, North South University, Bangladesh, on 4 June 2022. [Flyer]
- “Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development” was presented (virtual) at the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS) at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 25 March 2022.
- “Research Ethics in Action: Anecdotes from Field Trips” was presented at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction at University College London (UCL) on 23 March 2022.
- “Climate Change and Disaster Displacement in the Global South” was presented (virtual) at the Community Movements Conference 2022 (Displacement: Abroad theme) organised by Trent University, Canada, on 19 March 2022.
- “Disasters, Climate Change and Displacement in the Global South” was presented at University College London (UCL) as part of the Sustainability Week organised by UCL Ahlul Bayt Society on 14 March 2022.
- “Landslide disaster vulnerability in the south-east hilly region of Bangladesh” was presented in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, on 17 January 2022.
- Discussant: “Rohingyas in Bangladesh: Socio-Political and Environmental Perspectives“, webinar organised by the Department of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 14 October 2021.
- “Preparing Manuscript for an International Reputable Journal: A to Z Tips for Success” was presented at the World Class Professor (WCP) 2021 workshop organised by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, on 17 September 2021.
- “Human-Induced Climate Change: A Threat to Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals” was presented at the International Conference on “Challenges of Disasters: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience” (Special Lecture Session – II) organised by the Centre for Disaster Management, Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India on 3 March 2021.
- “Disaster displacement in the context of anthropogenic climate change” was presented at the THESys Transdisciplinary Dialogue on ‘Transforming Livelihoods: Migration under the conditions of socio-ecological change’ on 19 February 2021.
- “Community Resilience to Flooding in Bangladesh” was presented at the 2020 Virtual GFP Conference organised by the Global Flood Partnership (GFP) on 25 November 2020.
- “Climate migrants in Bangladesh: A journey towards uncertainty” was presented at the “2020 Global Shifts Colloquium: Seeking Refuge in the Climate Emergency“ organised by the Perry World House at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, on 14 September 2020.
- “Social Vulnerability Assessment in Disaster Risk Reduction” was presented at the 2nd International Conference on Hazard Mitigation in Geographic and Education Perspectives (ICHMGEP), organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Indonesia, on 11 September 2020.
- “Resilient Futures for the Rohingya Refugees” was presented at the ‘UCL South Asia Regional Network Meeting’ held in Haldane Room, Wilkins Building, University College London (UCL), Gower Street, London, on 9 October 2019.
- “Progress in Disaster Science for Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” was presented at the 3rd International Conference of Social Sciences and Education (ICSSED) organised by Yogyakarta State University in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, from 23-26 July 2019.
- “How to Deal with Your Research Team Being Kidnapped” [Panel on Working in Challenging Environments and Conflict Zones] was presented at the Humanitarian Summit 2019 at the UCL Humanitarian Institute on 18 June 2019.
- “Research and Academic Collaboration with UCL IRDR” was presented at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers (TIIAME) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 15 May 2019.
- “Being an Urban Planner: Academic Career Perspective” presented at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, on 9 April 2019.
- “Rohingya Journeys of Violence and Resilience in Bangladesh and its Neighbours: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives” was presented at the Inception event: Sustainable Development Programme organised by the British Academy at 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, on 5 March 2019.
- “Community Vulnerability to Landslides in Bangladesh” was presented at the International Workshop on Localising Strategies for Making Cities Resilient to Disasters held at De La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines, from 22–26 January 2018.
- “Rohingya Health and Disaster Simulation Workshop: Setting the Scene – Physical Aspects” was presented at a day-long scenario workshop arranged by the UCL Lancet Commission on Migration and Health in collaboration with the UCL Institute of Global Health and the UCL Humanitarian Institute, held in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London, London WC1E 7HX, the UK on 30 November 2017.
- “Community Risk Perception After the Mw7.8 Muisne Earthquake, Ecuador of 16 April 2016” was presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Seismic Loss, Rehabilitation and Post-earthquake Crisis Management of Critical Infrastructure on Monday, 20 November 2017, in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, Maslak Campus, Istanbul, Turkey.
- “Forensic Workshop – Turtuk, India” presented at the UCL Humanitarian Institute Masterclass on Friday, 20 October 2017, at Darwin Class Room B05, University College London (UCL), UK.
- “Response of Natural Disasters through Resilience” presented at the workshop titled “Impact of Climate Change & Drought in Barind Tract of Bangladesh” organised by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh on 24 August 2017.
- “Turtuk Forensic Workshop on Disaster Management” was presented at the joint workshop between UCL IRDR and the University of Jammu on 10 July 2017, held at the Grand Dragon Ladakh in Leh, India.
- “Landslides in Bangladesh and Future Planning” was presented in a seminar organised by the Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) on 21 June 2017 at the National Press Club, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- “Community Vulnerability to Landslides in the Chittagong Hill Districts of Bangladesh” was presented at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) at University College London (UCL) on 18 January 2017.
- “The Mw7.8 Muisne Earthquake, Ecuador of 16 April 2016 – Preliminary Observations from the EEFIT Reconnaissance Mission” was presented at the Institution of Engineering & Technology, Turing Lecture Theatre, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, UK on 19 September 2016.
- “Vulnerability 2 Resilience – Bangladesh” was presented at British Red Cross, UK Office, 44 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AL on 19 April 2016.
- “Developing a Dynamic Web-GIS based Early Warning System for the Communities Living with Landslide Risks in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh” was presented in the National Seminar on 17 September 2017, organised by BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
- “Enhancing Research Capabilities” was presented at the Annual Career Summit organised by the BUET Career Club (BCC) on 9 September 2014 at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
- “How to Write a Research Proposal?” presented in a workshop on 30 August 2014, arranged by the Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) at Planners’ Tower (Level-7), 13/A, Bir Uttam C.R. Datta (Sonargaon) Road, Bangla Motor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
- “Advanced Image Classification” was presented in a workshop on 13 September 2014 arranged by the Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) at Planners’ Tower (Level-7), 13/A, Bir Uttam C.R. Datta (Sonargaon) Road, Bangla Motor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
- “Image Classification” was presented at the training course on “Introduction to Remote Sensing and its Application in Natural Hazard” on 4 June 2014, organised by BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
- “Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Multi-criteria Evaluation Techniques in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh” was presented at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) at University College London (UCL) on 5 March 2014.
- “Understanding the Issues Involved in Human Adaptation to Landslide Risks: Case Studies from Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar City, Bangladesh” was presented at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) at University College London (UCL) on 22 January 2014.
- “Simulating Land Cover Changes and their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka City, Bangladesh“, was presented at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) at University College London (UCL) on 30 October 2013.
- “Improving the Living Conditions of the Garment Workers through Participatory Planning: A Case Study of Pallabi Molla Bosti” was presented in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in March 2007.