Honorary Positions
[1] Adjunct Faculty, Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (from May 2019 to present).
[2] Advisory Board Member, and Climate Change and Disaster Management Lead, Global Health Institute, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (from November 2021 to present).
[3] Adjunct Professor, Integrated Research Institute for Inclusive Development (IRIID), Fareast International University (FIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh (from May 2024 to present).
Expert Panel Members
[1] Academic Expert Member, the Academic and Professional Review Panel for the London Fire Brigade (LFB) Assessment of Risk (AoR) 2024 [03 June 2024]. [PDF]
Conference/ Symposium/ Workshop
[12] Co-Organiser: International Workshop on Political Transformations, Changing Heritage and Negotiating Identities: Planning, Designs and the Evolving Cultures of Dhaka, was held at Sonargaon University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25 January 2025. [Book of Abstracts]
[11] Co-Organiser: “IOM UN Migration Hackathon: Bridging Climate Change and Human Mobility“, organised with the International Organisation for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in London on 06-07 October 2023. [PDF]
[10] Co-Organiser: “IOM DTM – UCL IRDR Environmental Displacement Hackathon“, organised with the International Organisation for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in London at University College London (UCL) on 08 June 2023.
[9] Co-Organiser: “The 1971 Bangladesh Genocide and a Call for International Recognition“; an international symposium organised by the UCL Humanitarian Institute, Bangladesh High Commission in London, and Centre for Genocide Studies at the University of Dhaka on 25 October 2022.
[8] Co-Organiser: “Humanitarian Summit: Human displacement in the context of extreme weather events and climate change“; in-person event organised by the UCL Humanitarian Institute on 15 June 2022.
[7] Co-Organiser: “High-level Panel Discussion on the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide“, a virtual event organised by the Bangladesh High Commission, London, in partnership with the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR), University College London (UCL) on 25 March 2022. [PDF]
[6] Session Moderator: “Disaster displacement in the context of anthropogenic climate change” at the 1st Gobeshona Global Conference on Locally Led Adaptation (22 January 2021).
[5] Organiser: 2nd International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective (3–4 December 2020).
[4] Organiser: Climate Change and Human Migration (09 October 2020).
[3] Organiser: UCL IRDR 10th Annual Conference: COVID-19 Pandemic – A Global Perspective (15 July 2020).
[2] Convener: Poster Session on Conflict and Disaster (NH41C) at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 on 12 December 2019 in San Francisco, CA.
[1] Organiser: International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective (4–5 July 2019).